12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Белова Светлана Сергеевна8516
Россия, Ярославская обл.
Материал размещён в группе «Учителя иностранного языка»

Name: ___________________________________________________ ___

Class:___________________ Date:_______________________________

TEST 10 (MODULE 10) Mark________ (94)


That sounds great.

There’s much choice.

What are your plans for today?

I’m sure I’ll be tired.

They are scuba diving with Dad.

Will you join me?

A. Fill in the missing sentences to complete the dialogue. One sentence is extra.

Hello, Tony.

Hello, Kate. Where are John and Mike?

(1) Will you join me for breakfast?

Sure. (2)

It’s difficult to say. (3)________________ Perhaps I’ll go sailing with Dad. What about you?

I think I’ll try jet skiing.

(4) Later I'll go to the beach to swim.(5)____________________

With pleasure but only after dinner.

Let’s meet at 16.00. It’s good time to sunbathe.

Points: _______ (10)

B. Find the odd word out.

concert hall – swimming – hiking – sailing

relaxing – tiring – bottle – boring

jet skiing– windsurfing-thriller – scuba diving

fun- dangerous- enjoyable- board game

bikes – cars – crisps - motorcycles

Points: _______ (10)

C. Match the words from the two columns.

1. activity a) centre

2. sightseeing b) diving

3. rock c) adventures

4. mountain d) tour

5. leisure e) holiday

6. tennis f) climbing

7. scuba g) tour

8. mountaineering h) biking

9. wildlife i) trekking

10. group j) court

Points: _______ (10)


D. Complete with can or can’t.

1. _______ I dance with you?

No, you_______ . My mother is sleeping.

2. Excuse me, you _______ swim here.

3. You _______ hire skates from the hotel.

4. I _______ take the bus to the village.

There is one every two hours.

5. He _______ swim. His leg is broken.

Points: _______ (10)

E. Choose the correct word.

Lucy was born in 1995. In 2007 she will/won’t be 12.

It's sunny today. It will/won’t rain.

Kelly is eleven today. She will/won’t be twelve until next year.

Rob is nine. He will/won’t be ten on his next birthday.

This month is May. It will/won’t be June next month.

Jenny: 'Mum, the bus is late. I will/won’t be home until eight o'clock.

It's 25 degrees today. It will/won’t snow tomorrow.

I sent the letter this afternoon. It will/won’t arrive until tomorrow.

Points: _______ (16)

F.Use the prompts to complete the exchanges.

wrong with you

How much
I’d rather not.
’d like
I help you?

А: Hello, can (1)_______________

B: Yes. I (2)_______________ to rent a car, please.

A: Will you come hiking with me

B: I’m sorry but (3)_______________

A: (4)_______________ is it per day?

B: Its €24.о

A: What’s (5)_______________?

B: I’ve got a temperature.

Points: _______ (10)


G. Match the titles to the texts. One title is extra.

A. History Around You

B. Unusual Architecture

C. Great Fountains

D. The City of Music

E. For Lovers of Festivals

1. Vienna is Austria’s political, financial and administrative capital. It is a city rich in architectural and musical heritage. The city is rich in treasures to discover, including fine galleries, theatres and palaces. The Viennese are known for their wonderful taste in music. Mozart and Strauss lived and played their music there. A day excursion will give you a good impression.

2. Edinburgh is a very beautiful and old city. It is situated in eastern Scotland. Edinburgh has much to offer including fine art galleries, museums, theatres. Most tourists come to Edinburgh between July and September for the Hogmanay Festival.

3. Barcelona is on the Mediterranean Sea in Northeast Spain. It attracts many tourists. One of the reasons for this is its magnificent architecture. Tourists can enjoy the eccentric works of Antoni Gaudi, a famous architect, as well as Gothic buildings. There are some excellent museums. It combines its rich and ancient past and presence.

4. Rome is situated on the River Tiber. It is known as the “Eternal City”. History surrounds you the minute you come to Rome, It is an open-air museum. Rome has much to offer. There are four hundred churches, magnificent basilicas, ancient ruins, beautiful fountains. The city attracts a lot of tourists.

H. Listen to the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F).

1. Roald Dahl is a famous English writer.

2. The book is about the boy’s adventures while travelling inside the peach all over the world.

3. James’s aunts loved him and took care of him.

4. James was a very clever and friendly boy.

5. James was one of the best students at school.

Points: _______ (10)

I. You’ve got a postcard from your English pen friend who is on holiday. Write her letter and answer her three questions. Write 50—60 words.

.. I like my holidays. It’s hot and sunny now. The sea is warm. We often go swimming and scuba diving. Dad says I’m too small for windsurfing. So I swim and sunbathe. I look chocolate now. What are you doing? Do you go swimming or fishing? What is the weather like?

I’d like to hear from you soon.


Points: _______ (10)



James and the Giant Peach is a popular children's novel written in 1961 by the British author Roald Dahl. The plot centers on a young English orphan boy who enters a gigantic, magical peach, and has a cross-world adventure with the six insects he meets. The boy lived happily with his parents until rhinoceros escaped from the London zoo and ate his parents. James stayed with his two evil aunts, Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge. They made the boy work long hours chopping wood and cleaning. They did not allow him to come out of the house and locked him in the basement to sleep on the cold floor. He didn’t go to school or play with other children. They didn’t give him enough food. The evil aunts wished that he would die.

One day James meets an old wizard who gives him a small bag of magic green crystals. These crystal have the power to help James with his problems. James falls and drops them into the roots of a peach tree. Soon a peach appears on the tree and the aunts sell tickets to view it as it becomes the size of a house. Later, six insects invite James inside the peach. The insects ate some of his magic green crystals and grew to become as large as James. Together, they roll away in the giant peach - leaving his aunts behind them. They have many adventures on their way to New York City across the Atlantic Ocean. The book is enjoyable!

Опубликовано в группе «Учителя иностранного языка»

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